The National Railway Company of Belgium (SNCB/NMBS) made its social media debut back in 2015. Since that time, RCA has supported the organisation’s online presence through digital consultancy. The focus since 2018 has mainly been on reputation analysis. Structural reputation monitoring has been the cornerstone of this assignment for us from the beginning. 

To safeguard the efficiency of Belgian Rail’s reputation monitoring, we developed a workflow that generates various reports based on keyword and online monitoring

Our short-term volume reports offer high-level insights into conversations about Belgian Rail and the most important talking points. 

Drafted by our in-house consultants, the biannual reputation reports dive deeper into the results of our various monitoring tools. Among others, we investigate search volumes and sentiment and offer an extensive analysis of the evolution of Belgian Rail’s reputation over the prior six months. 

Thanks to these reports, Belgian Rail has access to a whole host of insights that highlight the needs of their various target groups. Insights which they can then use to align and adjust their corporate communication accordingly. 

In addition to reputation monitoring, Belgian Rail also calls on our consultants for assistance with community management and content creation. Ranging from things like service disruption announcements to top topicals like May the Fourth.

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